Salvinia | Salvinia Minima | 1/2 LB.
SALVINIA-Large 1/2 LB Portions - Covers Approximately 2 Sq. Ft. Salvinia is a small floating pond plant and is well suited for container water gardens or small ponds. Salvinia is a fern, much like Azolla. The velvety leaves are pale green and 1/4 inch in diameter. Also known as "Cat's Tongue". Koi like to nibble on Salvinia, although it is not one of their favorite foods. Sold in Large 1/2 Lb. portions
Salvinia (Salvinia Minima)
Hardiness Zone: 10-11
Light Requirement: Full Sun to Shade
Water Depth: Floating pond plant
SALVINIA MINIMA CANNOT BE SHIPPED TO LA, TX - Will be substituted with plants of equal or greater value
Salvinia (Salvinia Minima) is regulated in some states. - Never release these plants into public lakes or waterways. Know your state laws when ordering pond plants.