Ken Landon Fertilizer
Landon Waterlily Fertilizer
A 1 Lb. package will treat 3-8 Full size plants for 3 months (70-80 days) per treatment in a 1 or 2 gallon planting container (hardy lilies need larger containers than tropical lilies) or twice that number of young plants. This granular fertilizer utilizes binary technology to help plants absorb available nutrients. Reduces the amount of fertilizer needed to get newly potted plants off to a rapid start. Pond tablets are often 50% or more clay. This is 100% fertilizer. We recommend 1/2 the dose on the package on young plants or plants in water over 75 degrees. Treat every 80-90 days so 2 treatments per plant should be enough for the spring & summer. Ken Landon ran the international waterlily collection in San Angelo Texas. Ken had about 200 varieties and about 25 species of lily. This is the fertilizer he has used to display plants for decades and nothing compares to his formula.
Follow the directions carefully and do not over dose. Using too much of this formula can burn the roots of the plant.
Landon Fertilizer is a combination of organic and inorganic ingredients that work together to create spectacular results. It is a very ‘hot’ formula that requires very strict adherence to the directions for use. In using this formula we suggest that you combine the appropriate amount of fertilizer with soil and fill your container half full, then a thin layer of soil only. Add the tuber and cover with (unfertilized) soil.
Professional Maximum Strength 90 Days - 2.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 50) This ratio is used to increase soil mass or pot size on completely undisturbed rooted, potted nymphaea for optimum results.
Full Strength 60 Days - 2.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 64) This ratio is used for nymphaea re-potting using recently dug or uprooted plants with minor to extensive root injury.
General Purpose Strength 45 Days - 1.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 85) This ratio is used for nymphaea re-potting emphasizing germinating tropical tubers from resting state and including germinating juvenile rhizomes.
Seedling Starter Mix Strength - 1.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 128) Marginal Mix Strength - 0.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 250)